Measure Theory, Linear Combination of Integrals

From Below

Let u be a measurable function from X into the nonnegative extended reals. A sequence of functions sn approaches u. Let s0 = 0. Let s1 = 0 where u is finite, and ∞ when u = ∞. Since the positive rationals are countable, arrange them in an ordered list. Let z be the first one on the list. Let s2 = 0 when u is less than z, and z when u is greater than z and finite, and ∞ when u = ∞. Continue down the list in the same manner. If the nth rational is y, and w is the largest rational on the list prior to y, let sn+2 = sn+1, or y, if u is ≥ y and < w.

  1. Each sn is a simple function.

  2. The sequence sn is monotonically increasing.

  3. Each sn is bounded by u.

  4. Since half open intervals pull back through u to measurable sets, each sn is measurable.

  5. Fix an x, and a rational z below u(x), arbitrarily close to u(x). Go far enough out on the list, until you find z. Each sn beyond this point is at least z, and bounded by u(x). The sequence sn approaches u.

  6. By the previous theorem, the integrals of sn approach the integral of u.

Linear Combination of Integrals

Let sn approach u, as described above, and let tn approach v. By adding limits pointwise, (sn+tn) approaches u+v. Apply the monotone convergence theorem, and the integral of u+v is the limit of the integrals of sn+tn. Being a simple function, the integral of sn+tn is the integral of sn plus the integral of tn. Let n approach infinity and find the integral of u plus the integral of v. I left this theorem unfinished earlier; now it is complete. With modest assumptions about the topology of R, (to make the result measurable), the integral of a linear combination of functions is the linear combination of their integrals.

Reverse Monotone Convergence Theorem

Now that we know the integral of the sum is the sum of the integrals, we can prove the reverse monotone convergence theorem. This is the same as the monotone convergence theorem, but the functions fn are monotonically decreasing. Still, the limit of the integrals of fn is the integral of the limit function f.

However, there is an additional constraint. The functions fn must be bounded by another measurable function g, having a finite integral. This makes the proof easy. Let hn = g-fn. This sequence is measurable, (with modest assumptions on the topology of R), and increasing, so apply the monotone convergence theorem, and the limit of the integrals of hn equals the integral of g-f. Since all integrals are finite, we can regroup terms to our heart's content. For instance, ∫ hn = ∫ g - ∫ fn. Take the limit, and cancel ∫ g from both sides, and the limit of ∫ fn becomes the integral of f.

If any fn has a finite integral, let g = fn, and start the sequence there. We only get in trouble if each fn has an infinite integral. Let's look at a traditional example from calculus. (Lebesgue integrals behave like riemann integrals for continuous functions.) Let the domain be the open interval (0,1), and let fn = 1 over nx. This is a sequence of descending hyperbolas. Each fn has an infinite area below it, hence an infinite integral. Yet the limit function f is identically 0, and has an integral of 0.