Groups, Center, Centralizer, Normalizer

Center, Centralizer, Normalizer

The centralizer of a subgroup is the set of elements that commute with everything in the subgroup. Verify that the centralizer of H is a group. Apply the a/b test. Inverse is the only tricky part. If b commutes with H, does b inverse? Given H/b, multiply by 1 = (1/b)*b on the left. This simplifies to 1/b times H.

The center is the centralizer of the entire group. In other words, the center is the subgroup that commutes with all of G. The center is always a normal subgroup.

The normalizer of a subgroup H is the set of all elements x such that xH/x = H. Clearly H is in the normalizer of H. Remember that conjugation is an inner automorphism, 1-1 and onto. When x comes from the normalizer of H, xH/x implements an automorphism on H. This can be reversed, hence 1/x implements an automorphism on H, and 1/x is in the normalizer. Similarly, xy is in the normalizer when x and y are both in the normalizer. Thus the normalizer is a group.

Since everything in the normalizer fixes H by conjugation, H is normal in its normalizer.

Don't confuse the normalizer of H with the normal subgroup generated by H. They are quite different. When H is normal in G it is its own normal subgroup, yet its normalizer is all of G. Conversely, the smallest normal subgroup containing H might be all of G, and the normalizer of H could simply be H.

H is normal in its normalizer N, which is a subgroup of G.