Matrices mod p, An Introduction


The invertible matrices over Zp, (or any other finite field for that matter), form a finite group, with the identity matrix acting as the identity element. If we are dealing with n by n matrices, p is assumed to be at least as large as n; otherwise things break down. (You'll see why in the next section.) What is the decomposition series for this group? Are there interesting subgroups to be had? What do the sylow subgroups look like? How about the group of automorphisms? These questions are very difficult to answer, even for modest values of n and p. I'm just exploring here, and I thought you might come along for the ride.


The determinant is a group homomorphism from the invertible matrices into the nonzero elements mod p. In fact the map is onto. Put x in the upper left and place ones down the main diagonal. The determinant is x. We have created a reverse group homomorphism from x back to a matrix with determinant x. This makes the group a semidirect product. It is not a direct product however. Multiply on the left and you scale the first row by x; multiply on the right and you scale the first column by x. So the first step in the decomposition series pulls out the matrices with determinant 1, and yields a quotient group of Zp*. The latter group is cyclic, even for an arbitrary finite field, so I'm not going to spend any more time on that. Hereinafter, matrices will have determinant 1. This group is sometimes called the special linear group, with its own notation, but I think I'll just call it G.


In general, matrices could be drawn from a commutative ring R. A matrix is invertible iff its determinant is a unit. The invertible matrices form a group that maps onto the units of R via the determinant homomorphism. G is once again the kernel, i.e. those matrices with determinant 1.

The characteristic of R is assumed to be a power of p, where p ≥ n. An example is the integers mod pk. In this case a ring homomorphism takes us back to the matrices mod p. Other rings may have characteristic p, whereupon the subring of integers mod p creates, as a subgroup, the matrices mod p. Therefore, understanding G mod p provides a solid foundation.

Trivial Case

When n = 1, there is but one matrix with determinant 1. Thus G is trivial. Henceforth n is assumed to be greater than 1.


As you move through the pages of this topic, you will encounter a lot of notation. If you aren't comfortable with the notation, things will get very confusing, very fast. Here is a summary of things to come.