Rings, Chinese Remainder Theorem

Chinese Remainder Theorem

The chinese remainder theorem was developed for modular arithmetic, but it generalizes to ideals in a commutative ring R.

Let H1 H2 … Hn be a set of coprime ideals. By coprime, we mean the sum of any two ideals spans the ring.

Let J be the product of all these ideals. We will prove R/J is isomorphic to the direct product of the quotient rings R/Hi, as i runs from 1 to n.

An element in R/J can be mapped to the ith component in the direct product via R/Hi. This is a well defined ring homomorphism, since each Hi wholly contains J. We need to show it is 1-1 and onto.

Focus on H1. We know x + y = 1 for some x in H1 and y in H2. Do the same for each Hi in the set. Multiply all these equations together, and something in H1 + something in the product of the other ideals gives 1. Write this as x1 + y1 = 1. Reduce mod H1, and y1 = -1. If y1 is mapped into any other quotient ring, other than R/H1, it maps to 0,as it lives in the product of the other ideals.

With y1 through yn established, let's show the map is onto. Suppose z is an element in the direct product, where zi is the ith component. Let w be the sum of -yizi, as i runs from 1 to n. Reduce w mod Hi and get ci back again. Our ring homomorphism is onto.

If an element maps to 0 in all components, then it lies in each ideal Hi. The kernel of the map is the intersection of the ideals. If this is the same as the product J, we are done.

Whenever ideals are coprime, we will show that the intersection is the product. For two ideals, we have x+y = 1, and if w is in both ideals, w = (x+y)w = xw+yw, hence w is contained in the product H1*H2. The intersection and product coincide.

If H1, H2, and H3 are pairwise coprime, then write x1+y = 1 and x2+z = 1. Let s = x1x2 + x1z + x2y. Note that s is in H1. Let t = yz, and note that t is in H2*H3. Verify that s+t = 1. The ideals H1 and H2*H3 are coprime. We know that the product and intersection of H2 and H3 coincide. Bringing in H1, the intersection and product of all three ideals coincide. An inductive argument extends this result to finitely many ideals. The product is the intersection, the map is 1-1, and R/J is the same as the direct product of the quotient rings. The cardinality of R/J is the product of the cardinalities of R/Hi over all i.

If H1 and H2 are coprime then the same is true of any two powers of H1 and H2. Write x+y = 1 and raise to a sufficiently high power. By the binomial theorem, every term winds up in one of the two exponentiated ideals. An entire set of coprime ideals can be raised to various powers, and they remain pairwise coprime. For instance, the ideals generated by 172, 53, and 118 are coprime, simply because 17 5 and 11 are coprime.