Spec R, An Introduction


The prime ideals of a ring R can be assigned a topology, with open and closed sets. This is the Zariski (biography) topology, sometimes called the spectrum of R, or spec R for short. Since maximal ideals are prime, spec R is nontrivial, i.e. it has at least one point.

Let's define the closed sets in this topology; take complements for the open sets. For any set of elements E in R, the collection of prime ideals containing E, denoted vE, is a closed set. The complement oE is open. Note that v1 is the empty set, and v0 is every prime ideal of R. Thus the empty set and the entire space are closed and open, as they should be.

Recall that the radical of E, written rad(E), is the intersection of the prime ideals containing E. If H = rad(E), then vH = vE. We can always ratchet E up to its radical ideal.

Of course we must prove this is a valid topology. Let E1 E2 E3 etc be sets of elements in the ring R, and let U be their union. If a prime ideal P contains U it contains each Ei, and lives in each of the corresponding closed sets. Conversely, if P lives in each of the closed sets then it contains every Ei, and it contains their union. Therefore the intersection of arbitrarily many closed sets is closed, namely vU. Turn this around and the union of open sets is open, as it should be.

Next consider the union of two closed sets vE and vF. Ratchet E and F up to ideals, and let H = E∩F. Let P be a prime ideal in vE∪vF. Now P contains E or F, hence it contains H. The intersection contains the product, hence P contains EF. Conversely, a prime ideal P containing EF contains E or F. Put this all together and vE∪vF = vEF. The finite union of closed sets is closed, and the finite intersection of open sets is open. The topology is valid.

Infact this topology has a base, namely ox, the complement of vx, for any element x in R. Consider an arbitrary open set oE with complement vE. We showed above that vE is the intersection of vx for every x in E. Thus oE is the union over ox. Every open set is the union of base sets.

We also showed the intersection of two open sets is open, hence ox∩oy is open, and covered by base open sets. We have a valid base for the topology.

If R is commutative, then ox is empty iff x is nilpotent, and ox is everything iff x is a unit.